Tuesday, May 20, 2008

American Gangster (2007)

I'm typically a huge fan of gangster movies. Love the Godfather trilogy. Goodfellas was fucking awesome. This movie, not so much. I actually fell asleep half way through. You would think that a movie about gangsters starring Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe would be a sure 5 stars. Eh, not this time.

2 stars out of 5.

Dawn Of The Dead (2004)

This remake of the classic horror film directed by George A. Romero is chock full of zombies and the undead. I laughed, I cried, I was on the edge of my seat. The ending to this movie was so different from other movies out there. Not many times do you see a movie where all the main characters are dead before the end of the film. I think this movie is a great one. Remakes are always very iffy. The opening scene of this movie was awesome. When Sarah Polley's character is driving away from her home, the camera pans up to give a bird's eye view and you can see all the death and destruction the undead has caused. Priceless. The shot sold the movie for me.

Mr. Romero - as far as horror films go - you have my 5 stars.


Monday, May 19, 2008

Signs (2002)

When it comes to movies about extraterrestrials and outer space, this one is definitely at the top of my list. The amount of suspense that M. Night Shyamalan portrays simply through the unknown is insurpassable. This movie definitely put M. Night on the map as a master at the art of directing.

This movie was cast perfectly. Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix delivered a couple of the best performances of their careers in this movie. The way that each plot point tied together at the end of the movie was nothing short of brilliant.

M. Night - you have my 5 stars on this one!


Jurassic Park (1993)

Jurassic Park
is and will always be in my top 3 favorite movies. It's a bold statement, but it's one that I can make with a fair amount of certainty. This movie opened up a window of the science fiction genre that had not been touched in many years. When this movie came out in 1993, child moviegoers were so scared by this movie because of the sheer reality it portrayed. The dinosaurs looked so real and were so scary that people had to leave the theatres to attempt to subside the nightmares that their children were sure to have later that night. The Tyrannosaurus Rex was more than amazing. This movie sparked a new interest in our scaled predecessors.

Steven Spielberg brought the book by Michael Crichton to the big screen and gave it a life that I'm sure even Mr. Crichton was astounded by. I saw this movie in the theatre 7 times myself. Spielberg is a genius. Always has been.

Mr. Spielberg - I give this movie 5 stars for sure.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977)

Welcome to my first movie blog - here goes nothing.

Anyone who takes the time to actually read this blog has most likely seen this movie a hundred times, so I won't waste any space with a movie synopsis.

Quite simply, this movie is classic. Timeless. Genius. In my eyes, this movie virtually created the genre of Science Fiction. I am a huge Star Wars fan, so biased as I may be, this movie is probably the best sci-fi movie out there. The casting is perfect, the effects are unbelievable (pretty damn good for 1977) and the story line is fantastically imaginative. The idea of "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." heightens the imagination of adults and children alike.

This movie was way before its time. George Lucas - you are a genius. As C-3PO so eloquently put it.. " Thank The Maker."

Mr. Lucas - This movie gets 5 stars for sure!



Hello everyone! My name is Matt and I love movies - hence this blog. I've seen quite a few movies in my 26 years - some good, some bad - and I am going to be giving a short review of as many as I can remember well enough to blog about. I hope you enjoy. Please leave comments - I am interested in any discussion this blog may create. Cheers!